My Favorite Magazine Storage Box & Ideas For Organizing Magazines

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Organizing paper clutter includes magazines. You may need a magazine storage box or a wall mount magazine holder to tame this paper tiger...

magazine storage box

Organizing magazines in your home or office makes reading more fun and cuts down on the paper piles quickly.

Magazines and catalogs, especially if you have subscriptions, are a constant incoming source of paper, so having a system is important.

Below you'll find the organizing process, a system to follow and storage product recommendations. Enjoy!

Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!

The Organizing Process

Utilize the general organizing procedure of purge, sort and store, and apply it when organizing magazines and catalogs.


  • Start by gathering all of your magazines. Pick up one item at a time and decide if it is worth keeping. In order to accomplish this, ask yourself appropriate questions (i.e. Did I read this already? Is this outdated information? Can I get this information online?).

  • As you make decisions, put the item in the corresponding pile, bag or box - Keep, Trash, Recycling, Upcycling (for arts and crafts, i.e. decoupage ideas).

  • If you come across magazines that you are just no longer interested in or you have too many subscriptions and can't get to reading them all, then it's time to unsubscribe. Unsubscribe from any magazines that are duplicate topics, that no longer interest you or just don't bring you joy anymore.

  • Take out the trash and recycling. This hinders the possibility of undoing your magazine organizing work.


  • Now that you have gotten rid of all unnecessary items, it's time to focus on what's left. Separate the remaining things into categories (i.e. by magazine or by topic)


magazine storage box

I like the IKEA magazine storage box or holder (photo above). They are sleek, sturdy and look great in any room! I use them for my husband's magazines, skinny books, binder pockets, file folders and more!

magazine storage box

I also like the Bigso magazine files (photo above). They are modern, rustic and very durable. The photo is from a client's house. Beautiful!

  • Find a location for your magazines in your home or office where you will see AND read them. What good are they to have if they're just going to sit and collect dust?


  • Create a system for your magazines and catalogs that includes a regular purge and commit to keeping it up. This is especially helpful if you have subscriptions.

    For example, when a magazine comes in, immediately put it in the "to read" pile. Once you've read through it, either recycle it right away or keep it for reference. If it's kept for reference, then it is put in the appropriate magazine file. Once the magazine file is full, the oldest magazine in it gets recycled.
  • Part of a book club, mom's club, any club?! Bring the magazines you've already read and swap with someone. This means you get to read other magazines for free and your magazines get used again. How lovely!

The Organizing Products

The products for organizing magazines and catalogs are handy, convenient and fun! Check out the suggested items below.

Snap-N-Store Magazine Storage Box
Sturdy, attractive and folds flat, this file is great for storing the magazines you want to keep for reference. Check it out!

Bigso Estelle Canvas Magazine Storage Box
Durable, rustic and modern, this magazine file is another great option for getting organized. Take a look!

Woven-Banana Leaf Magazine Rack with Handle
Put this basket next to a comfortable chair, store the magazines you want to look through in it and get reading!

White Chicken Wire Wall Magazine Rack
This farmhouse-inspired wall magazine rack saves floor space and looks good. Check it out!

Bathroom Magazine Holders
Looking for a bathroom magazine holder? Check out these top-rated products on Amazon!

New Uses for Magazine Files

1. Skinny Book Holder

2. Home For Papers That Require Action

3. Organizer For Scrapbook Supplies Like Pages & Stickers

4. Home For Empty File Folders or Binder Accessories

5. Menu Holder

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