Easy Ways To Save Money

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Welcome to my page on easy ways to save money!

Organizing your financial life is so important. Being organized is excellent for your financial life...for your budget, for your house, for your credit, for your investments, for any and all bank accounts, for your career, for your identity, for your health, for your future, for your child's future, for your grandchild's future, for literally everything!

Easy Ways To Save Money

Check out the list of easy ways to save money below as well as links for specifics on organizing your financial life. Happy saving!

Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!

10 Easy Ways To Save Money By Being Organized!

1. Know where things are.

If you know where your belongings are, then you won't buy things twice (or more!). This means you can save money on groceries, books, art supplies, makeup, toys or what have you, because you can find them in a snap. I can't tell you how many times we would unearth something in an organizing session and a client has said to me, "I was looking for that! Ugh. I wish I knew where it was, because I bought another one." This is DEFINITELY a money saver!

2. Give everything a home.

The only way to know where your things are is if you assign them homes. To do this, ask yourself where you would think to look for the item in question. Be sure to label if necessary and put things back after using them as well. If everything is in its proper place, then there's less of a chance of your items getting damaged or lost (and having to buy them again!).

3. Check your statements.

I know it's a pain (!), but it will definitely help. If you check your financial statements, you're more likely to catch mistakes and/or fraud. It's also a good idea to be reminded of the things that you automatically pay for monthly or annually and consider whether you should keep paying for them. For example, perhaps one of the streaming services you no longer watch could be paused or canceled. Staying on top of your statements is an easy way to save money.

4. Open the mail (emails too).

The mail! It's like the laundry: never ending. I feel you; being an adult is hard and there's always something to deal with. However, letting your mail pile up is never a good idea, especially when it comes to finances. For example, you're more likely to submit medical claims properly and successfully. You'll also be aware of car recalls which means avoiding big potential future expenses. And that's just a few ways! Opening your mail is vital to saving money.

5. Keep tax stuff together.

Taxes, oy! Another thing we have to deal with that is very easy to procrastinate about. However, like everything else on this list, if you stay on top of them it will be a financial benefit. You'll be able to deduct more if you keep track of tax deductible receipts. Keep them and other tax-related papers together in a file throughout the year, and you'll be organized and ready at tax time. By doing this, getting your taxes done will cost less if you come to your accountant appointment organized with all the information they need on hand. By simply keeping tax-related items in a folder for the current year (rather than in random piles throughout the office or house), this becomes an easy way to save money (and hopefully get a bigger return).

Organize Coupons and Gift Cards

6. Create a home for coupons and gift cards.

If you do this (like in the above photo), then you will know where to find coupons and gift cards when you need them. Then, you're more likely to use these money savers and actually save money! For any coupons or gift cards that you really want to use that also have expiration dates, it's a good idea to have a system for utilizing them before they expire. Perhaps a simple reminder on your calendar will do. Whether it's giving them a home or tracking their expiration dates, both will help you take advantage of this free money.

7. Pay your bills on time.

You're less likely to incur penalties or late fees if you're on top of your bills. In that regard, it's important that you have a routine for processing your emails (for the bills that come electronically) and/or the mail (for the paper bills). See number 4 above. Also, set up a system to keep track of due dates so they don't slip your mind. For example, having reminders in your calendar to pay the bills and/or when they are due will be very helpful. Whatever system works for you, paying your bills on time are a great way to avoid extra expenses that can be quite pricey.

8. Sell new, unused things.

There are so many easy ways to sell things nowadays! Have designer clothes that are lightly worn or still have the tags on? Sell them at a consignment shop or on a consignment website. Do you have furniture or anything that someone local can come pick up from your porch? Sell it on Facebook marketplace or the like. Got some used books in good condition? Sell them on Amazon. The possibilities are endless! If you don't use it and it's in good shape, sell it!

9. Keep your desk clean.

If your desk is a mess, it's very hard to get work done for a few reasons. First, the distraction of the visual clutter makes it hard to concentrate. Second, having things covering your work area makes it difficult to actually use your work area. Third, when stuff is all over the place and not put away, it is very hard to find things when you need them. This wastes time and therefore money. So...Organized Office = Find Things Quickly = More Efficient = Better At Your Job = Keep Your Position or Get Promoted!

10. Be efficient with your time.

When you're organized, you have more time. Think about the time spent looking for something that you can't find easily. Think about the time spent buying duplicate items because something has been misplaced. Think about being late for events or getting projects done on time or any part of your life in which organization would be beneficial (which...is every part of your life). Simply put, time is money!

How To Live Life To The Fullest When You're Young And Poor

John and I have done and seen so many cool things. We have so many great memories and have really "lived" out our twenties. It's important to say we never moved back home (because we wanted to stay in DC), and we had all of these awesome experiences by sticking to our budget. It's a hell of a lot easier said than done, and you'll learn how we were successful in my book.

Other Easy Ways To Save Money!

1. Easy ways to save money are to budget your money and to cut back on expenses you don't NEED. Stop buying "stuff," and start thoughtfully shopping and kick any shopping addictions for good. If you really are in need of a new wardrobe, why not dress some oldies up with new accessories instead?

2. Eating out a lot? The obvious thing is to tell you to cook more and you should. However, if you're wondering how to save more money and you do go to a restaurant, take advantage of specials. Why not sit at the bar and try the happy hour menu?

3. Shopping online? Want to know how to save money fast? There are tons of coupons out there waiting to be used! Before you check out, open another browser window and do a Google search for savings (i.e. "Staples coupon codes"). RetailMeNot.com is one of many sites that provide thousands of coupon codes.

4. Buy things at discount stores. For a little extra effort, you can purchase items in bulk for lower prices. For example, shop at Costco instead of Whole Foods and Loehmann's instead of Bloomingdale's.

5. Shop at the end of the season. I buy winter clothes at the end of the winter season. This way I start next winter with new items and get unbelievable discounts. Ditto for summer.

6. Dive into the world of DIY arts and crafts. Rather than buying something new, perhaps you can make it or upcycle an item you already have. For example, instead of buying new office drawers I decided to give the ones I already owned a makeover that cost a whopping $4.99. It was awesome!

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