Organizing Ideas For Every Little Thing - Create An Organized Home With These Simple Organizing Tips

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That's right, more organizing ideas! ANYTHING can be organized. Use these simple organizing tips to create your organized home - crafts, books, photos, scrapbooks, coupons and much more!

With a little imagination and motivation, disorganization of any kind can be transformed into a successfully working system. Check out the links below!

Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!

Let's look at organizing ideas for a makeup drawer as an example. Yes, it seems so small and insignificant, but let's take a closer look...

Your makeup drawer is in shambles. Every morning your routine includes pushing around many small objects in a deep drawer in order to find what you need. When you finally locate the proper items, you hurriedly apply your makeup and bolt for the door a little irritated (you're going to be late).

OR your makeup drawers could look like this...

And you don't need to rush because you aren't going to be late. That sounds so. much. better.

Like I said, something like a makeup drawer seems so insignificant. However, the example above demonstrates not only its affect on your punctuality but also on your appearance and attitude from the start of the day. No project is too small!

Using the links below, you'll find closet organizing ideas for ITEMS like purses and shoes, craft room organization for ITEMS like fabric and scrapbooks, and other home organization tips for ITEMS like magazines and cookbooks. Enjoy!



I love shoes, and I love organizing...I love organizing shoes! One of my weaknesses is shoes. Yes, I am a professional organizer, but I'm also human! I find really cute shoes at bargain prices...honestly, they find me. I have found some creative ways to store shoes even in small spaces, and I've shared them here.


Want to donate magazines instead of just recycling them? You see them lurking in the corner...a pile of perfectly good magazines in great shape but never opened. You decide that you're not going to get to them since new ones just came in, and who knows when you'll even get to those. It's time to let the old ones go, but throwing them in the recycling bin just seems wrong. Here are 12 ways to give your magazines new life without recycling them, and I threw in a personal story as well.


Looking for ways to organize cardigans? I file them in open canvas storage bins for easy access, and it works wonderfully! If your cardigans are getting too wrinkled, stretched out, and/or taking up too much drawer space, then this solution is for you. Here you'll find the step-by-step process for organizing your cardigans and photos of how I FILE my cardigans in open canvas storage bins.


These baseball cap storage solutions will certainly make your world a better place. If you or a member of your household is a hat-wearer, then you're no stranger to the chaos that can accompany head accessories. I've implemented some very easy yet very awesome hat storage solutions that make it simple for us to find what we need in a snap. Here you'll find some closet organizing ideas to keep baseball caps, hats, beanies and other head gear neat and tidy.


Organizing Tips for Specific Items

Baseball Caps, Hats, Etc.
Bathroom Items

Birthday Cards

Boots & Shoes
Child's Artwork
Coupons & Gift Cards
Craft Supplies
Clutter-Free Gifts
Gift Wrap
Greeting Cards - Storage
Greeting Cards - Displaying
Hats & Gloves
Jewelry (Decluttering)
Jewelry (Storage)
Jewelry Studio
Mail (Junk Mail Removal)
Makeup Drawers (mine!)
Makeup in Bathroom Drawers (mine!)
Nail Polish
Nail Polish Organizer (mine!)
Photos & Memorabilia
Photos: Hang A Gallery Wall
Scrapbook Organization
Scrapbook Supplies
Shoes & Boots
Spices (Drawer Spice Rack)
Toilet Paper
Vitamins & Supplements

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