Donate Cell Phones, Donate Clothes, Donate Furniture, Everything!

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Have things to give away? Want to donate cell phones? Donate clothes? Donate furniture? Donate household items of all kinds?!

Want to do all of that WITHOUT those colossal, overwhelming DECLUTTERING sessions? Well you've come to the right place!

how to donate cell phones and other unwanted stuff

Everything you need to know is below:

  • where you can donate used items
  • how to calculate the value of your donations for tax purposes
  • THE SYSTEM for donating stuff without decluttering for hours first
  • teaching your kids to give to those less fortunate

Enjoy and happy donating!

Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!

Places To Donate Cell Phones & Other Household Items

Alphabetically By Item

Donate Cell Phones & Other Electronics

Electronics (i.e. Computers, Printer, Fax Machines)



Medical Supplies

Musical Instruments

Printer Ink Cartridges

Trophies & Awards

You Drop Off


A Wider Circle

They Pick Up




Purple Heart

Salvation Army

Vietnam Veterans of America

Resources For Donating To Charity

Have A System To Donate Household Items & Avoid Those Monster Time-Consuming Decluttering Sessions

Keeping your house organized and clutter-free means getting rid of things on a regular basis. Having a system for this constant outflow is really convenient, and I highly recommend it.

The following is my system. I hope this helps you and enjoy!

  1. Always keep a donation bag or box accessible in your home.
  2. Anytime you or a family member come across an item you no longer want, toss it in the bag.
  3. Once the bag is full, calculate the value of the items inside and file your calculation in your current tax folder.
  4. Put the bag in your car and drop it off at a local donation site when you pass one.

Teach Your Kids To Be Charitable Early

In preparation for the holidays, a great habit to implement early in your kids' lives is donating clothes and other items that are no longer used. This is the time to do it, because it is a lot easier to give stuff away when you know you're getting more things soon.

This practice is beneficial for the following reasons, all of which can be explained to your children in your own words.

  1. The holidays are about giving, not just to your family but to others in need and this is the perfect opportunity to be charitable. You could explain to your kids that there are children without toys at all, and they would love the items that aren't beloved and used anymore.
  2. Making room for new things by getting rid of old things is basically the clutter-purging process. This instills organized living, decision-making skills and how to detach from material things. This can be explained with the simple notion that one has to make room for new things by giving away items that are not used anymore.

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