Junk Mail Removal Ideas:
How To Stop Junk Mail For Free

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Here are junk mail removal ideas to block junk mail from ending up in your mailbox. Who needs all that clutter anyway?!

junk mail removal ideas

When I get the mail, I immediately recycle the junk mail. This is a good practice, because right away the unnecessary paper is eliminated and you can focus on the items that require action. However, what if you could block junk mail from even getting to your mailbox? Now that's even sweeter!

Below you'll find 7 junk mail removal ideas, and I guarantee you there's a few that are not so obvious. Enjoy!

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7 Junk Mail Removal Ideas
To Block Junk Mail & Declutter Your Inbox

1. OptOutPrescreen.com - This is the official Consumer Credit Reporting Industry website in which you can opt out of pre-screened and/or pre-approved offers for 5 years or even permanently.

2. CatalogChoice.org - This is a free service in which you can opt out of catalogs, coupons, credit card offers, circulars, donation requests, phone books and more.

3. 41Pounds.org - For a small fee of $35, this website will do the opting out AND donate $10 to your charity of choice. They block junk mail of all kinds including credit card offers, magazines, insurance promotions, catalogs, coupons, sweepstakes entries and more.

4. National Do Not Mail List - This a direct mail company that wants to help those who do not want to receive direct mail opt out and stop junk mail for free. This company cites the fact that direct mail is expensive, and the firms they represent only want to send mail to people who actually want to get it.

5. Paper Karma App - This is a unique service in which you can download their free app to block junk mail. Simply snap a photo of the junk mail you wish to stop receiving, and they'll do the rest.

6. DMAchoice.org - This the Direct Mail Association's website, and they are interested in helping consumers only get the mail they want. Through this site you can block junk mail, opt out of junk email, register someone that is deceased and register as a caretaker.

7. Email optout@abacus-us.com - Abacus is a list company behind a lot of junk mailings like the catalogs you receive but have never actually ordered from. Email them with your name and address and request that you be taken off all of their lists and be removed from all future mailings.

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