Monthly Bill Organizer - Organizing Bills & Other Action Items To Avoid Late Fees (& Embarrassment)

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Overwhelmed by bills? Perhaps you need a monthly bill organizer and/or a system for processing this kind of paperwork...

Organizing bills and other action items is essential to our everyday lives and among the most important of things to have in order.

Have you ever lost an invitation and had to make the embarrassing phone call to retrieve the details? Ever misplaced a bill and then forgot to pay it? Couldn't find the tickets to an event the day of? And in all of the chaos, felt panicked, stressed, mortified?!

Being organized eliminates all of the above. How nice! Here are my top 3 methods for staying on top of and organizing bills and other action items.

Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!

How To Organize Bills & Other Action Items
Create A Home

Items with due dates (i.e. bills, invitations, renewals) must be tended to regularly and should be easily accessible.

First and foremost, establish a home for your action items. Whether it's in a tray on the kitchen counter or in a magazine file on your office desk or a monthly bill organizer product, you must have a spot for action items and put them there as soon as you come across them (like when you open the mail). This ensures you can find them when it comes time to actually do them.

Once you've figured out a location for your action items, utilize one of the following methods for help with getting them done on time.

How To Organize Bills & Other Action Items
#1 Organize By Date

Use a binder with dividers, an accordion file, a monthly bill organizer or the like to file your action items by due date. Every morning check the appropriate day for things that need to be done and do them.

NOTE: Bills need to be paid and mailed at least a few days before they are due. Be sure to put the invoices in your action file accordingly and NOT on their due dates.

If you like this method, check out this household notebook that is a monthly bill organizer and SO much more!

The 1 to 31 Organizing System Binder

How To Organize Bills & Other Action Items
#2 Organize By Category

Use stacking letter trays (like the one below) or the like to sort your action items by category (i.e. bills, upcoming events, phone calls). Each morning tackle a few items from each category, especially those that have upcoming due dates.

How To Organize Bills & Other Action Items
#3 Organize By Time

Utilize magazine files or the like for organizing bills and action items by how long they take to do. For example, one magazine file could be for urgent items, another for things that take less than 10 minutes to do, and another for items that take more.

Some Other Things To Consider For Organizing Bills

1. Sign up for automatic payments for recurring monthly bills like for your cell phone and utilities. This takes the "bill paying" out of paying bills and saves you time.

2. Opt out of paper billing to save money on bills. Paying bills online is much quicker and cheaper than filling out a check and using a stamp.

3. Have a system for the action items that come to your email inbox. Most simply, set up a folder to deposit emails that require your action and tend to them daily.

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Have a Fool Proof System for Organizing Action Items?

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Open the bills that day! 
I open the bills and circle the due date on the bill. Then I write the date it has to be mailed (a few days prior to being due) in order for the business …

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