Do The Opposite Of Nothing: The Ridiculously Simple Strategy For Procrastinators To Go From Overwhelmed To Organized

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You enter your home after a long day ready to just relax, but the first thing you see is a pile of clutter. Ugh.

You head to the kitchen to get a snack or start dinner and the collection of random things on the counter tops catches your eye. Ugh. 

You go into the family room to watch some television and put your feet up on the coffee table to relax…well you would, but there’s an impassable mountain of books, magazines and paper in your way. Ugh!

You go upstairs to get ready for bed and change into your pajamas only for this simple task to become a complicated, heavy-lifting process in which accessing what’s in your dresser drawers or closet involves a miracle. Ugh!!!!!!!

Every time a pile of clutter catches your attention or gets in your way (or trips you or embarrasses you or angers you), you think to yourself, “I have to go through this…but not now, because I’m too fill-in-the-blank (tired, busy, etc.).” That intention is as far as the organizing actually gets, and the cycle just begins again.

Frustrating, isn’t it?

Do The Opposite Of Nothing

What if I told you that busting through the never ending sequence of procrastination and perpetual heaps of clutter was not only possible, but with the strategies in this book, almost painless?

What if I told you that one day (not “some day” but one day in the foreseeable future) you could walk into your house and all those debilitating piles of clutter wouldn’t even exist? That your home was a relaxing sanctuary you were proud of and where you could actually unwind?

What if I told you that the days in which the clutter controls you are numbered and that soon you’ll be the one ruling the kingdom? Like royalty, like a boss, like a rock star, like a magical unicorn, you get the idea.

Would you believe me? Maybe not. Would you want to believe me? Yes! That’s why you’re here.

And I'm so glad you are, because it means that you're a fighter, that you're not giving up, that you're going to keep trying no matter what the procrastination monster hurls at you.

Tackle this thing from a new angle and surprise the procrastination right out of existence. Sounds awesome, right?! It is.

Click here to get this short and sweet 50-page book that's jam packed with golden procrastination-busting nuggets.

What Other People Are Saying About This Book On Amazon:

"Nealey has broken down conquering procrastination into bite-sized pieces. She offers great ideas for the 10 Procrastination methods discussed in the book and makes organizing sound doable for anyone. I love the comparison of homeless items to zombies roaming the earth! But really, you'll walk away with "Major Takaways" from every chapter that are SO doable! Definitely worth the read."

-Janet Schiesl

"Do The Opposite of Nothing is a smart, well written guide on how to eliminate common patterns of action and thinking that cause us to procrastinate on important tasks. Nealey's 10-method approach to identifying underlying issues and her just-the-facts summary of how to implement change using easy take-away actions is easily understood and immediately actionable - and makes so much sense! I especially love her breezy writing style and her use of so many relatable examples will help you visualize change for yourself. The best takeaway for me was that ultimately we still may not like doing certain things but by using her approach we will be more motivated to work on them. With more than a dozen links to helpful resources and a downloadable cheat-sheet for implementing her tips, this is a great value!"

-Jackie K.

"Do The Opposite Of Nothing provides the reader with terrific easy to implement strategies for overcoming procrastination. Nealey gives concrete examples of ways we all tend to procrastinate and then lets the reader know just how to combat the urge to procrastinate. I loved reading this book. It's down to earth, honest, humorous and practical. I could almost hear Nealey talking to me, giving me these wonderful solutions."


"If you have ever struggled with the frustrating feeling of never getting to your organizing projects - this book really is for you. Nealey clearly understands the debilitating effect of procrastination but the last thing you will find is judgment - only enthusiastic encouragement. Her energy is contagious and motivating throughout the book. Her insightful strategies get to the heart of the matter - what is really going on - and helped me see a far simpler - and more helpful - strategies than what I was expecting."

-Julie Gray

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