Organizational Ideas from Brisket the Pug

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organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Organizational ideas from a dog? Sure, why not?!

Meet Brisket the Pug (photo on right is the first day we got her!). Like other dogs, she lives a carefree and simple life. She's always present in the moment and loves to eat and sleep. She takes her job as a companion very seriously and follows me everywhere I go (including the bathroom).

Brisket is a very bright light in my life and always brings a smile to my face. I'm grinning right now as I write this; she's snoring very loudly next to me face down in the rug (photo of this is below).

I've learned so many life lessons from my smoosh-faced little Pug, and I am constantly inspired by her. Hence, I decided to create this page and share her funny little face and sunny disposition with you. I hope you get as much entertainment and inspiration from reading this page as I did creating it. Here's 30 days of organizational ideas and positive affirmations from Brisket the Pug. Enjoy!

30 Days Of Organizational Ideas & Positive Affirmations From Brisket The Pug

Surround yourself with a positive, warm environment.
Get rid of everything else.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

A place for everything, and everything in its place.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Use old things in new ways - curtain AND blanket.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Forget multi-tasking. Do one thing at a time,
and give it all of your attention.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Want what you have and then you'll have what you want.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Increase productivity by napping often (and anywhere).

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Get the whole family involved in clean up time.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Take a step back to see the bigger picture
and plan accordingly.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Be yourself (even with schmutz on your face).

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

We are not perfect and that's just fine. Embrace it, and feel comfortable accepting a helping hand.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug


Make your bed every morning (with the dog in it, if necessary) for a neat start to your day.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Dream big. Nothing is impossible. One step at a time.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Procrastinate later. :)

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Face your fears. You won't fail...
you'll just figure out how not to do something.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Enjoy the little things (like flowers!),
and free your mind of complicated mental clutter.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Be present in the moment and bask in it.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

You can't hide. Overcome procrastination by breaking down your projects into small, doable tasks.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Do a little bit every day, and you'll
conquer your goals in no time.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Give others the benefit of the doubt, and listen to what they have to say. You might be surprised or impressed or learn something new.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Give yourself the morning off and sleep in at least once a week. They don't call it beauty sleep for nothing!

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Put it away right away...or else!

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Snug as a Pug on a rug - like goes with like
(or rhyme goes with rhyme).

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

If it feels right and comfortable, then it is.

organizational ideas from Briske the Pug

Thinking that your best days are behind you is detrimental. Your best days are always ahead of you; be excited for what is to come.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

View your mistakes as learning experiences and opportunities to become a better person.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Visualize success. What does it look like? Feel like? If you can envision it, then you have something to work towards.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Get rid of the paper clutter, and
go digital with as many things as you can.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Stuck? Mental block? Overwhelmed? Step back or step away completely. The answer will come to you.

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

We are better and stronger together.

organizational ideas from Briske the Pug

Need to clear your mind? Want to get happy instantly? Watch or look at something funny. What would your caption for this photo be? Put your answer in the comments section below!

organizational ideas from Brisket the Pug

Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!

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