Make Money Through Blogging - How To Monetize A Blog & Earn Extra Income

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Ready to make money through blogging? I was too! I was 24 and had been running my small business for about a year and a half when weird medical complications entered my life.

9 Ways To Make Money Through Blogging

I was out of work for a few months which meant I had ZERO income, and my expenses had tripled from all of the medical-related expenditures. I mean, one month my cell phone bill was almost $1,000!!! So many people were calling to find out what was going on and how they could help, but their good intentions ended up costing me.

Anyway, I needed a back up plan. If I couldn't go to work, then something else needed to be in place so I could earn money. Thus, was created and I entered the world of blogging. Below you'll find how to monetize a blog in 9 different ways along with my opinions on each way to make money through blogging. Enjoy!

Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!

9 Ways To Make Money Through Blogging

Make Money Through Blogging
Promote Others

  • ADVERTISING NETWORKS - Advertising networks fill ad space on blogs automatically. The most popular one is probably Google Adsense which is the one I started with and still have on my blog today. It's free to sign up, and they do all of the work. All you have to do is install the code on your blog and that's it. That said, don't expect to make big bucks with this monetization method alone.

  • AFFILIATE PROGRAMS - With affiliate links on your website, you make money when someone clicks through and buys something. This a great way to earn an income without actually creating products.

    One of the first affiliate programs I joined was the
    Amazon Associates program. It's great because Amazon sells so many different products that it's easy to find something relevant to your blog to promote.

  • BLOGGER NETWORKS - Blogger networks are platforms that connect bloggers and advertisers. There are a ton of them, and they're all a little different from each other.

    One of my favorites so far is
    BlogHer. I'm part of their social media influencer network which means they match me with advertisers who want to pay me to promote them on my social media outlets. It is awesome. Check them out by clicking the badge below.

  • INDIVIDUAL SPONSORS - This requires a lot more work on your part, but it's totally worth it. In short, individual sponsors are those that advertise directly on your site. There's no middle man like an advertising network or blogger network. You are responsible for posting the ad, accepting the payments and nurturing the relationship with the sponsor.

    Take a look at blogs similar to yours and see what companies are sponsoring or advertising on them. Connect with them on social media to start a conversation and establish a relationship. It's that networking that will lead to obtaining private sponsorships and a much higher form of income.

Make Money Through Blogging
Promote Yourself

  • OFFER SERVICES - If you do provide consulting services (e.g. business coach), then a blog is a great way to spread the word. This is not a passive form of income since you are trading time for money, but I still wanted to mention it because it's a great way to leverage yourself using your blog.

  • CREATE PRODUCTS - The sky is the limit here. You can create infoproducts (here's mine as an example), training videos, e-courses, e-books, printables and the list goes on and on. Whatever your talent is, package it, sell it and use your blog to promote it. If you're short on ideas, just do some searches on Google to see what your competition is selling.

  • WRITE A BOOK - This one could fall under the "create products" bullet point above, but I wanted to elaborate on it separately. I self-published a book (Life Lessons: From People Who Shouldn't Be Giving Them) on Amazon's platform, CreateSpace, and I get royalties when people purchase it. They also had an easy way to convert my hard copy book into an e-version so that Kindle users can buy it too.

  • SELL DESIGNS - Have you heard of Zazzle? If not, you've got to check it out! Extra exclamation points!!! I designed fun graphic tees to wear to client organizing sessions, AND with Zazzle's platform, I could also post my designs for sale. I receive commissions when people buy the products I designed. I don't have to do anything other than create the designs, and Zazzle takes care of the rest. It's pretty sweet.

  • ASK FOR A DONATION -  I don't personally do this, but I've seen it done. You can add a Paypal donation button to your site or something similar and ask your readers for a small donation to keep the blog going if they enjoyed what they read.

If you liked this blog post on how to make money through blogging, then you'll love this one that lists the tools I use to stay organized in and run my business including a make money blogging ebook I HIGHLY recommend.

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