Organizing Paperwork In Binders For Easy Access On The Go

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Organizing paper clutter? I love to use binders when organizing paperwork for quick access and easy mobility. Here's how!

Organizing papers is one of the largest clutter-clearing challenges and keeping up with it on a regular basis is even harder. It is constantly coming in and always will. But not to worry!

There are numerous ways to organize paper, and in my opinion, different systems should be used for different types of paper. Here we'll focus on utilizing binders - my favorite method for organizing paper clutter!

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Organizing Paperwork: The Process

Let's skip the first step of the general organizing procedure (purge) and go directly to sort and store. Here's more on how to purge when organizing paperwork.


• The first thing you need to do is decide what the binder will be used for.

As a rule of thumb, one binder should be used for one category of paper (i.e. pet records).

Also a binder is very easy to transport. What records do you want to be able to grab and go? For example, having a pet binder with all your pet's information is great when going to the vet, when you have a pet sitter, and so on.

• Then gather all the paper having to do with that one category and sort them into piles. Like goes with like (i.e. your pet's medical records, business cards of pet sitters and dog walker's, puppy training articles, and so on).

• Decide the size of the binder based on how much paper you intend to store in it, and remember to account for the size and shape of the binder's rings. For example, if you have a small amount of paper for a certain category that you know will grow, utilize a larger binder.


• Next insert the paper into the binder-

1. Label tab dividers and punch holes in the paper. Then insert the dividers and paper accordingly.


organizing paperwork in binders

2. My favorite method for paper organization in binders: Use binder pockets. Label the binder pockets (you can get them with or without the tabs) and insert the appropriate paper into each pocket. This method is easier to maintain since you don't have to worry about punching holes in every piece of paper you want to insert.

• There are tons of binder accessories, so make use of whatever is necessary (i.e. business card pages, sheet protectors). SEE THE PRODUCTS SUGGESTED BELOW!

• Lastly, label the outside of the binder (i.e. Pet Records) and put the binder in a place that makes sense to you and that you can easily reach.


• One of my top home office organization tips: IT IS IMPERATIVE TO STAY ON TOP OF THE PAPER CLUTTER EVERY DAY. Take a few minutes to file the appropriate paper in the appropriate binder when necessary.

• Clean out your binders a few times a year.

Organizing Paperwork: The Products

The following products are some of the things I use for organizing office files or organizing bills or paper organization of any kind into binders. Enjoy!

Sheet Protectors
I love sheet protectors! You don't have to worry about punching holes, and they keep each individual piece of paper clean and protected.

Binder Pockets
I also love binder pockets! They too offer a solution in which you don't have to punch holes, and each pocket can hold a good amount of paper.

Business Card Pages
Business card pages keep your business cards organized, protected and easy to see and find.

I like binders like this. It has the one-touch open and close trigger, D rings and a top-loading sheet protector cover and spine.

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