Time Management Techniques:
How To Break Down A Goal + Awesome Time Management Tools

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Interested in learning time management skills or time management techniques? Wondering how to set goals or how to be on time? Want to actually achieve the goals you set?! Check out these time management strategies!

time management techniques

Good time management is a vital part of leading an organized life. It is vital to home, career, family, friends, pets, travel, events, everything.

It affects everyone and everything around you.

Successfully managing your time means that you can complete task lists, use the hours of the day efficiently, and most of all, accomplish your goals.

Below you'll find the general process for accomplishing a goal as well as examples of how to set goals. Also, check out the links on the right to more time management articles. Enjoy!

Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!

Time Management Techniques:
The General Process For Planning Out A Goal

What are your goals? What is your new year's resolution? Or two or three?

Each year brings us an opportunity to start over, attempt again, begin fresh, try harder, finally focus and so on. We figure out what our goals for the coming days are, we tell people what we will resolve, we have the best intentions, the new year comes and then ...... nothing. We might try for a day or two, maybe even a week or two, but then something happens to derail our motivation. Ultimately, we say "Ah, there's always next year."

Keeping a resolution or actually accomplishing the goal is one of the hardest parts of time management, especially if your aim is large and, seemingly, unattainable. Rather than fall into the cycle described above again, let's do things differently this time and really plan this out. Ready to set yourself up for success from the outset? Let's go!

The first thing you want to do is think about the bigger picture. What is the overall goal? What will the end result look like? Once this has been decided, write it down on the bottom of a piece of paper (like the example below).

Organize My Kitchen

Next, you want to think about all of the smaller aims you need to accomplish in order to get to your end result. Think about the bigger picture and work backwards if necessary.

Write each step on the piece of paper above your final aim. (Working backwards is one of my favorite time management techniques, and I use it to plan out my goals EVERY time).

  • Clean out cabinets and get rid of unnecessary items
  • Move kitchen items closer to where they get used (i.e. move pot holders to drawer closer to stove)
  • Purchase necessary organizing products for cabinets and drawers
  • Put infrequently-used items from the counter to the now emptier cabinets and drawers
  • Clean out drawers and get rid of unnecessary items
  • Install/implement organizing products in cabinets and drawers

Organize My Kitchen

Lastly, put the steps leading to your goal in order and apply them to your calendar. Set a completion date for each small achievement and pencil them in to your schedule. Be sure to block off time for getting these small tasks done as well. This will ensure mindfulness of your resolution and constantly encourage attainment.

  • Clean out cabinets and get rid of unnecessary items (by Jan. 3)
  • Clean out drawers and get rid of unnecessary items (by Jan. 7)
  • Put infrequently-used items from the counter to the now emptier cabinets and drawers (by Jan. 14)
  • Move kitchen items closer to where they get used (i.e. move pot holders to drawer closer to stove) (by Jan. 21)
  • Purchase necessary organizing products for cabinets and drawers (by Jan. 28)
  • Install/implement organizing products in cabinets and drawers (by Feb. 1)

Organize My Kitchen (by Feb. 1)

New year's resolutions are much like organizing goals: easily said but hardly achieved.

Setting smaller aims offers a less intimidating, more attainable path towards good time management and the end result. So whether you have a new year's resolution to lose weight or a goal to get organized, remember to take baby steps and to stick to the plan.



Time Timer
This visual timer is awesome and very popular! Set the amount of time you want to spend on a task and go.

Getting Things Done
Getting Things Done is THE productivity book and is a great starting point for anyone looking to build their time management foundation on something strong. I highly recommend it.

Pomodoro Timer
These timers are for those who use the Pomodoro method of 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break. Pretty cool!

Top Time Management Books
Looking for more? These are the top-rated time management books on Amazon right now.

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