DIY Home Improvements Links - Top Organizing Resources

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Your directory for organizing resources! Check out these helpful, DIY home improvements links.

I like to offer my visitors the best information possible, so below you will only find 10 links. These are my TOP 10 resources for getting organized, and they are not in any specific order.

If you'd like to add something to this list, feel free to leave me a comment. Thanks!

Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!

The Organizing Boutique's Favorite DIY Home Improvements Links [other than us of course:)]

[TWEETABLE #1] TOP Organizing Resources via @life_on_track @NAPOnatl @ContainerStore @clutterdiet @RealSimple @IHeartOrganize

[TWEETABLE #2] TOP Organizing Resources via @life_on_track @AbyGarvey @bemorewithless @Pinterest @unclutterer


National Association Of Professional organizers

As the organizing authority, National Association of Professional Organizers offers great information on finding professional organizers across the nation, becoming an organizer, organizing statistics and much more.

2. The Container Store

Two words about The Container Store - organizing heaven! The Container Store has innovative, stylish products specifically designed with organization in mind. I've gotten lost in this magical land for hours before just ogling at and coming up with ideas for using all the cool stuff they have.

3. Target (and a few other discount stores)

Target has a huge variety of affordable storage and organization products for both home and office. Since The Container Store can be pricey, I usually direct people to discount stores for cheaper alternatives like:

  • Target
  • Bed, Bath & Beyond
  • Home Goods
  • IKEA
  • The Dollar Store

4. is run by fellow professional organizer, Sam Pregenzer. Her work is so beautiful and inspiring, I just had to share it here. She also tells you where you can find all of the products she uses. Check it out!

5. Real Simple Magazine

Real Simple is an awesome guide to simplifying life. It has tons of DIY home decorating ideas and organizing advice. This site is also very inspiring and motivating. One of the things they do particularly well is come up with new uses for old things.

6. I Heart Organizing is an awesome DIY home improvements website. iHeartOrganizing's blog is like organizing eye candy! This mommy blogger has a beautifully organized home, and she shows you how to achieve everything she does with detailed instructions and large photos.

7. Simplify 101

Simplify101 offers organizing tips and WORKSHOPS that walk you through each step of getting your life organized. The online classes and ebooks are affordable; check it out!

8. Be More With Less

Be More With Less is a blog about living simply by making small changes in your life that have a big impact. By decluttering and living with less, you'll get more of what's important to you and live an authentic, purposeful life.

9. Pinterest

Pinterest is a digital pin board. This site is awesome for "seeing" how things can be organized, collecting ideas and staying inspired.

10. Unclutterer is a really fantastic organizing blog full of great information, and I love some of the humor mixed in. I also happen to know the owner, and she rocks!

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