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Need a focus booster? You know when you're trying to organize a room or space and you get distracted? Here's a tip on how to stay focused and how to eliminate procrastination associated with this type of distraction.
QUICK BUT IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: Letting organizing projects go unfinished, also known as The "Start Stop" Practice, is one of the ways in which we procrastinate and then getting organized never happens. There is a specific formula that will help you beat every barrier your mind puts between you and a clutter-free life.
You know when you're working on an organizing project in one room but you get distracted for whatever reason and end up in another room? Then whatever you were working on goes unfinished?
It happens to the best of us, including me, but I've figured out a focus booster that will keep you on task so that this doesn't happen.
Let's say that you're working on decluttering your bedroom. You're sorting and you're on a roll. Then you come across something that belongs in another room like your kid's toy. You take it back to his room and notice that his toys are all over the place. You start to tidy up and find a cup that needs to be taken to the kitchen. You take it to the kitchen. No doubt there is a ton of stuff there that needs to be cleaned and put away, so you start doing so. The bedroom organizing project is a distant memory now and goes unfinished.
Here's what to do instead.
If you are in the middle of an organizing project and you come across something that belongs in another part of the house, simply place the object by the door. Leave a few minutes at the end of your organizing session to distribute items to their rightful locations.
This way you don't get distracted, you don't leave the room AND stuff still gets put away.
Apply this focus booster tip to any projects or tasks and your productivity will increase as well.
Here are some examples:
The "Start Stop" Practice mentioned earlier can occur due to distraction like this blog post explains or it can be the result of indecision or being overwhelmed or simply not knowing what to do next.
If this procrastination method resonates with you, then you might be interested in The Procrastinator's Guide To Getting Organized.
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