Brisket the Funny Pug from Virginia

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funny Pug Brisket

Hello everyone! Welcome to our Pug world. This is Brisket - the cute funny Pug that quickly found her way to the center of our hearts and lives.

Brisket has many talents, as you can imagine. She has really honed some of her skills over the years and has become...

  • an expert napper
  • a pro at convincing someone to give her treats
  • a loyal companion
  • an impressive snorer
  • a snuggly cuddle bug
  • a great lap heater
  • an avid BBQ watcher (photo of this below!)
  • a nothing-hits-the-floor crumb vacuum
  • a sly yet in-your-face sock thief

...And recently she has added "advice giver" to her repertoire. Check out her positive affirmations and organizational ideas here!

Because of her new title as a life consultant along with our recent move to northern Virginia AND requesting a blurb about her, we formally introduce you to Brisket - the little funny Pug from Vienna!

funny Pug Brisket

Brisket is from a small rural town in Pennsylvania. She is a spunky, cute Pug that is very smart...too smart. She has lived with us in 2 apartments and now a townhouse. Brisket thoroughly enjoys our new little backyard. She can bark at other dogs when they walk by, chase squirrels and rabbits, and most importantly, watch over the grill when her daddy is bbq'ing.

funny Pug Brisket

Brisket absolutely loves our neighborhood. There is plenty of grass to frolic on and an abundance of dogs to play with. We can barely take a 5 minute walk without running into someone that knows and calls out to her. Brisket sure has made a name for herself in our community!

funny Pug Brisket

Northern Virginia does have all 4 seasons, and Brisket has proven herself tolerant to going outside to do her business in all of them. I can't help but laugh at the below photo. Her face is priceless! While I can safely say that winter is not her favorite season, Brisket has accepted being clothed and freezing her little tushy off to go outside. Good girl!

funny Pug Brisket

Brisket absolutely loves living in Vienna. As you can see, she is such a busy little Chinese Pug and enriches our lives on an hourly basis. No matter where we are, as long as we are together, we are home.

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