Evernote App - 10 Convenient Ways To Use This Note Taking Software

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Do you use Evernote? Here are 10 ideas of things to keep track of using this fun note taking software!


This digital application makes it easy to keep track of things big and small using your computer, phone and tablet.

It's one of my favorite productivity apps, and it's free from the app store. I personally use it to remember all of those little tidbits of information that could be helpful later, AND since it's digital it cuts down on paper clutter. Yay!

Below you'll find a list of ideas on how to use the Evernote portable app to simplify your life.

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10 Things To Keep Track Of Using Evernote

Two important things to note:

  1. Below is a list of ideas for keeping track of things that DO NOT INCLUDE PERSONAL INFORMATION like social security numbers, insurance policy numbers, financial account numbers and so on.
  2. Evernote keeps your notes organized in "notebooks," and you'll see that I refer to them below.

1. Gift Ideas

See something in a store or online that would be perfect for a loved one? Hear a family member talk about an item they want? Keep a running list of gift suggestions for family and friends. When it comes time for giving, you don't have to waste any time figuring out what to buy. **Don't forget to include yourself in this list, so that you know what to say when someone asks what you want for your birthday.**

2. Pet Information

Jot down your beloved animal's birth date, spay/neuter date, vet contact info and any other details that would be handy on the go. Also useful, I keep a list of top dog poisons so I can quickly check if my Pug has ingested something toxic.

3. Medical Tips

I have something called Mal de Debarquement Syndrome. Huh? It is a debilitating condition that doesn't have a cure or a treatment and not much is known about it. Thus, whenever I come across anything related to dizziness or motion sickness, I record it in Evernote for reference later.

4. Financial Planning

I read an article that had some numbers on how much to save for the first year of your baby's life as well as figures for college. I jotted down the numbers in my "Money for Kids" notebook and can easily go back to it when my husband and I decide to start expanding our family.

5. Beauty Secrets

What were those top mascaras I read about? What was that home remedy for wrinkles I saw on tv? What did my dermatologist say were the best lotions? Record all of these beauty tidbits as you come across them.

6. Favorite Stores/Websites

Keep track of your favorite places to shop or places you want to check out. For example, I have a notebook just for pet art. Next time I want to buy some home decor or consider having my pet's portrait painted, I know where to go. I suggest keeping a different notebook for different categories.

7. Favorite Restaurants

What should we get to eat tonight? Where should we take so-and-so for dinner? What are you in the mood for? I don't know, what are you in the mood for? You know how this conversation goes. Avoid it by keeping a running list of your favorite restaurants (and maybe of the restaurants you want to try out).

8. Upcoming Plans

If you have an upcoming event or trip planned, this is a good place to keep notes about it. For example, before I went on a cruise to Alaska, I jotted down handy information like my captain's club member number and good restaurants in Seattle that a friend had suggested.

9. Things To Do

You could use this app to keep a running list of fun local things to do like day trips, kid-friendly activities, outdoor events and more. Whether it's time with the family, you have guests in town or you just want to try something new, this list will save you the trouble of figuring out what to do.

10. Words To Live By

I always feel really good when I read a saying that is positive and uplifting. Record them in an Evernote notebook like these, and refer to it next time you are feeling down for a little pick-me-up.

And If You Want More Evernote Help, Check These Out...

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