10 Cell Phone Apps That I Use To Stay Organized, Productive & Happy

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Looking for cell phone apps that will turn you into some kind of productive, organized superhero? Keep reading.

cell phone apps to stay organized

Everyone's got their favorite apps, and below are mine. These 10 apps keep me organized making my smart phone one of my best organizing tools!

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10 Free Cell Phone Apps That
I Use To Stay Organized

1. iCal

This is one of my favorite cell phone apps, and I use it the most by far. I schedule all of my business appointments (e.g. clients, weekly business tasks, networking meetings) as well as all personal events and reminders in iCal. It automatically backs up to the cloud and syncs with the calendar on my Mac. This is how I remember and show up on time to everything. I absolutely love it!

2. Sleep Cycle

This is the app I use to wake up. It knows when you're in the lightest part of your sleep and will wake you up gently within a time frame that you set. It's just delightful, and I wake up happier because of it. I highly recommend this for those who have trouble getting up early (like me)!

3. Evernote

I use Evernote for all those random bits of information I want to remember but don't know where to put. For example, I record any notes for upcoming travel plans, websites that sell art that I like, list of human food that's poisonous for dogs, our favorite local restaurants and so on. Having this information at your finger tips instead of struggling for an hour to figure out where you want to eat is priceless!

4. Genius Scan

This iPhone app has come in handy so many times I can't even give it enough credit with words! It is fabulous for scanning things without actually having to scan them using a scanner. Take a picture of the document, and Genius Scan turns it into a PDF that you can save and/or email. I've used it in my business to deposit client checks immediately without having to go home to copy them or send my accountant a signed document. I've also used it personally to "back up" scrapbook pages or email my husband a copy of something so he doesn't have to wait till he gets home from work.

5. Contacts

The Contacts app comes standard on the iPhone. Just as the name suggests, I use it to keep track of my contacts' addresses, phone numbers and other information. I sync it with my computer as a back up, and it's really handy to be able to look up an address if I find myself mailing or shipping something at the last minute.

6. Card Mobili

This app keeps my membership cards organized without the clutter of actually having to carry them around on my key chain or in my wallet. I was at Giant doing my grocery shopping, and I was able to quickly pull up the card's bar code using this app for the checkout lady to scan.

7. Pinterest

I use Pinterest to stay organized in all sorts of ways and having the app on my phone makes it easy for me to look up something when I'm not at my computer. For example, I can pull up a recipe I saved and have it up while I'm cooking or I can refer to a skin product I pinned to my Beauty board while I'm shopping.

8. Business Apps

I use a bunch of apps to stay on top of business stuff while I'm on the go. For example, iDashboard is the mobile version of Google Analytics that allows me to check my website traffic trends from anywhere. I also use the Pages app to check the insights and get notifications from my Facebook business page. And I use the Aweber app to stay on top of anything having to do with my email newsletter.

9. Clock

This is another standard iPhone app, but if used to your advantage then it's just awesome. The Clock app has different features; the one I like to use is the timer. I can set the timer for 30 minutes and do nothing other than the task at hand until the alarm rings. No distractions are allowed in that time period, and I get a lot done this way.

10. Financial Institutions

Last but not least, I keep track of my bank accounts, investments and Paypal using their respective apps. These cell phone apps are free, convenient and useful to have at your finger tips.

By the way, none of this means anything if you can't find the apps on your phone easily. Here's how to organize your cell phone apps without having to scroll to find them.

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