Scrapbook Storage Furniture & Other Scrapbooking Organizer Solutions

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scrapbook storage furniture solutions

If you are looking for scrapbook storage furniture ideas, then you've come to the right place!

Below you'll find step-by-step scrapbooking organizer instructions detailing exactly how to get from the before picture to the after picture as well as the organizing products we used. Enjoy!

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My Client's Attic - Before

scrapbook storage furniture solutions - before

This is my client's attic that serves as a playroom for her kids as well as a media room, an office and a scrapbooking center. As you can see here, she loves to scrapbook and has a lot of supplies that were stored in boxes, bins, baskets and bags without much of a system in place.

Here's how we organized it all to save space, look great and provide easy access to all of the supplies.

1. This was the designated section of the attic for her scrapbook supplies storage, so the first thing we did was move all of the stuff you see above out of the way. My client had already purchased 2 shelving units from IKEA for scrapbook storage furniture, so we assembled them and put them side by side against the wall.

2. Next, we sorted all of the supplies into piles by likeness. We did this by going through every box and bag and separating the items into categories. For example, we had a pile of stickers, scrapbook albums, scrapbook pages, cutting tools, markers and so on.

3. Once we had all of the scrapbook supplies sorted, my client could see how much of everything she had. She went through each pile and picked out the items she could part with and donate.

4. Taking into account how much of each category she had after the purge, we used the scrapbook storage furniture shelving units, baskets, bins and other organizing products to store her supplies.

For example, we filed the scrapbook albums directly on the shelves, we used magazine files to hold her scrapbook magazines, we used a basket to store her stickers, we utilized a box with a lid to hold her stamp sets and so on. We did this until everything had a home and her jumbled corner of art supplies turned into a beautiful scrapbook storage center.

My Client's Attic - After

scrapbook storage furniture - after

The Scrapbook Organizer Products

Here are some of the products we used to create the scrapbook storage solutions you see in the after picture above.

IKEA Expedit Bookcase

We used 2 IKEA Expedit bookcases like this one for scrapbook storage furniture and turned them on their sides to fit against the wall under the slant of the roof.

IKEA Kassett Magazine Box

We utilized these IKEA boxes with lids to hold cutting tools and other scrapbooking supplies. They fit nicely in the shelving units.

Bigso Storage Box
These boxes are colorful and fabulous! I use them in my office, but they are great for supplies of all kinds. We used some green and blue ones here to hold photos and other scrapbooking items.

Scrapbook Paper Storage Containers

We used pink and clear cases like this one to hold my client's scrap pieces of paper, loose scrapbook pages and to keep all the parts of a project in process together.

Fabric Storage Box
We used fabric storage boxes like this as well (dark green boxes in the middle with circles on them). The lid features a zipper closure, so this box is great for holding things with small pieces.

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