A Roller Coaster Ride

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As a little boy, it was always a wonderful treat when my Grandparents came to visit. My Nana and Grandpa moved to Arizona not long before I was born. I didn’t get to see them a lot but when I did, I was the happiest kid on the block.

One evening, when I was in high school, about a year before I left for college, I came home and my parents and grandparents were sitting around the dining room table. My Dad looked at me and exclaimed, “Great news! Nana and Grandpa are moving from Arizona and they are going to live with us!” I remember being pretty stunned, but nonetheless I was elated. They lived with us for several years until their unfortunate passing.

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Not too long ago, I was in the car with my Mother and asked her to recall the time when Nana and Grandpa were asked to move in with us. My Mom said that my Dad sat down at the dining room table, looked at my Grandparents, and said “We really want you to move back East and stay with us. We want you to be around the Family.” I then asked what my Nana’s response was. My Mother told me, that Nana looked at her and my Father and said, “I couldn’t be happier.” I remember that story very well, and ever since my Mom relayed it to me, I’ve always wanted to say, “I couldn’t be happier.”

Over the past year, my life has seen a lot of changes. As a matter of fact, it has been a roller coaster ride. I have taken on a new job, adopted a beautiful baby pug, moved to a new apartment, traveled to different parts of the country, said goodbye to old friends and hello to new ones. Yet, the single most important event that has changed my Life has not even happened yet; my Wedding. I have been looking forward to my Wedding Day for a full 15 months. In between the evening I proposed to Nealey and the time that I write this, I have come to realize that you cannot completely plan and organize a Wedding without any hiccups. Between picking the date, venue, menu, attire, guest list and dealing with every ridiculous suggestion from family members, the plotting and planning of a Wedding can be outright exhausting. Organization and Wedding planning do not co-exist.

Perhaps none of this is new to those reading this blog post. Maybe to some of you it is. However, there has always been a shining light at the end of this adventure that I’ve been looking to; the simple exchange of “I do,” with Nealey. Knowing and being with her makes all of the hard times, good times. With her, I am not afraid of anything. I look forward to the challenges ahead and the life that we are about to pursue. I hear certain individuals tell me that I don’t know what I am getting myself into and that I am a “dead man walking.” I laugh at such simple statements from all the simple minds.

I write to you today to tell you that I don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. I don’t know where I will be in 1 year, in 10 years, or 100 years. But I do know this... The next time I write to you all, I will be able to call Nealey my Wife. I think about this, and then I think to myself.

Wow…I couldn’t be happier.

I Love You Nealey.

- Owen Patrick

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