Master Of My (Or Your) Domain!

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Hellooo out there! How's everybody?

I am sorry that I've been away for some time, but the good news is that Mr. Blogger is back. Booyah!

It has been a little while since I last spoke to you. Please accept my apologies for the lengthy time away.

Here's a little update. For the past several months I had been preparing to take a comprehensive exam that I had to pass in order to graduate and receive my Master's degree. After many weeks of (organized) studying I took the test, and passed with flying...well I passed. :)

Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!

I was extremely excited. However, this time presented me with a daunting task that needed careful organization.

Prepping for the test was not easy. "What should I study first?" I wondered. The Behavioral Revolution? Neorealism? Democratic Peace? Well, I won't bore you with the details of my studies the way I do Nealey. But I will tell you that my girlfriend's way of thinking really did help me break down what I needed to study and when to study it. Because of my successful book worming, several weeks later I was master of my domain! Yahoo!

Today's lesson, as you may have figured out, is not about stacking books neatly or stapling papers in some organized fashion. It's about structure. Watching Nealey do what she does everyday has not only helped me organize material things, but how to prioritize as well. Fortunately, this lesson helped me prioritize which theories and authors to focus on before my test.

In a way, organizing is prioritizing. Take this lesson and you too can be master of your domain!!

-Owen Patrick

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