Jewelry Storage Solutions For
Any Tiny Little Sliver Of Space

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Looking for jewelry storage solutions? You found them! From the wall to the counter, here are 5 different jewelry storage tips for any space. Happy organizing!

5 jewelry storage solutions for any space

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5 Jewelry Storage Solutions
According To Type Of Available Space

Before figuring out how to organize something, I recommend decluttering and getting rid of the items you no longer need, want or use. Here are the step-by-step instructions for going through your jewelry. Then come back here to figure out how to store it all according to how much you kept and how much space you have.

1. Drawer

Whether it's a bathroom drawer or a dresser drawer, if you have a drawer available for storing jewelry then the best product to use is a drawer organizer.

It will keep your jewelry from getting lost in a deep, dark drawer and/or from getting jumbled. It also makes it SO easy to find what you need when you're getting ready as well as put it away. AND if the drawer is deep enough, you can get stacking jewelry drawer organizers to maximize the space. Here are some jewelry drawer organizers to check out.

2. Closet Rod

If you have some available hanging space on your closet rod, then you have available space to neatly organize your jewelry.

This is the space I use to store my earrings, rings and bracelets in a clear pocket organizer (the one in the infographic above). It's great, because it's out of sight yet easy to access. Here are some jewelry storage solutions made specifically for the closet rod.

3. Counter

If you have a bathroom counter or a vanity or the top of a dresser or any surface that's free, then you can use it to store your jewelry. Things like jewelry trees (and here are some really pretty ones!) and jewelry storage trays are fantastic for maximizing this space.

QUICK SIDE NOTE: Be careful to keep the organization maintained if you use a surface to organize your jewelry, since this is an area that is typically in sight and in mind. If it's cluttered all the time, it will lead to not being able to locate things and therefore stress.

4. Furniture

If you have the floor space, then adding a piece of jewelry storage furniture is a great way to organize all of your accessories. A jewelry armoire typically comes with drawers for the little things, hooks for necklaces and a mirror. Some are even hidden in floor mirrors that open. Really cool!

5. Wall

If you don't have any of the above available, then look at vertical spaces aka your walls. There's almost always room on the walls to utilize for storage.

Get creative with it too. It's the wall therefore it's on display, so this is also an opportunity to have fun with creating something decorative out of your jewelry and there are hanging jewelry organizers out there made with this in mind. Here are a bunch of different ways to use vertical space to your advantage specifically for storing jewelry.

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