Hanging Jewelry Organizers & More Jewelry Storage Ideas For A Studio

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One of my awesome readers asked about hanging jewelry organizers for a professional studio with lots more jewelry than a single person would normally have. What a great question! I immediately was on the case and did some research.

hanging jewelry organizers for a jewelry studio

Below is what I found to be the most popular jewelry storage ideas and be sure to check out the pages I link to for visual inspiration. Happy organizing!

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Jewelry Storage Solutions For A Studio

I've organized this post into 2 main sections for your convenience:

  1. Wall Storage For Jewelry-Making Tools
  2. Wall Storage For Displaying Jewelry

Wall Storage For Jewelry-Making Tools

The most popular DIY jewelry storage solutions I found for organizing all the tools and pieces necessary to create jewelry are...

1. Pegboards - Hang a pegboard or two or three on your wall. Using the hooks, baskets and other accessories that can hang from your pegboard, you can organize the tools and pieces necessary to create jewelry.

2. Shelves With Clear Containers - Whether it's a freestanding bookcase or a customizable system installed on the wall, vertical shelves are great for holding clear containers (i.e. mason jars, clear bins with lids, clear baskets with handles). This makes it easy to sort, store and find all your tools and pieces.

3. Magnetic Tins - You've probably seen these before. They are the round magnetic metal tins that have clear lids so you can see what's inside, and they are fantastic! Use them for beads, clasps and any other tiny jewelry-making accessories.

**See all of the above jewelry storage ideas in action here!**

Displaying & Hanging Jewelry Organizers For The Wall

The possibilities for displaying jewelry on the wall are endless, and here are what seem to be the most popular ways to vertically hang larger amounts of jewelry.

1. Hooks - A simple way to hang jewelry is to cover an open wall with hooks. And I don't just mean hooks. I mean door knobs, Command hooks, coat hooks, wall brackets, accordion hooks, key hooks, nails, push pins, a repurposed upside down rake, anything you can think of!

2. Framed Cork Boards Or Mesh - A series of framed cork boards, mesh or chicken wire on the wall would look so chic! Also, you can hang all the frames once and change out the jewelry that is displayed on them very easily and as much as you'd like.

3. Products Made For Displaying Jewelry - Then of course, there are unique jewelry storage products made specifically for this purpose that you can purchase and hang on the wall. Etsy is full of really creative handmade hanging jewelry organizers, and you can see some using the link below.

There are some really beautifully inspiring photos on Pinterest. I created a board specific to this subject, so check out all of the above ideas in action here!

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