Donate Old Books & Other Household Goods Without Lifting A Finger

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Ready to donate old books, used furniture and other household goods? Here are 3 ways you can pay to have the donations hauled away for you and get your decluttering done without lifting a finger.

how to donate your stuff without lifting or hauling anything

QUICK BUT IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: Shuffling stuff around, rather than getting the donations out of the house, is one of the ways in which we procrastinate and then getting organized never happens. There is a specific formula that will not only reverse this detrimental thought process but will stop the disorganization cycle altogether. With this specific formula, you will be able to beat every barrier your mind puts between you and a clutter-free life.

Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!

One of the things that stands in our way of getting organized is procrastination.

I'm sure you've heard that before, but let's go a little deeper.

There is a procrastination method that I like to call The Gathering Phase. It refers to taking the time to gather the stuff you no longer want, but that's where it ends. The discards don't actually get discarded. They are simply gathered up in a corner or an unlabeled bag, and then they collect dust.

The procrastination comes in when it's time to actually get the discards out of the house. Most of the time, it is a collection of items that are to be donated. However if it's too much stuff or time isn't carved out of your day to drop it off or what have you, it ends up continuing to take up valuable space and/or being shuffled around your house.

That being said, I came up with some really easy ways to get rid of your stuff without leaving your house. Here are the free methods and below are the paid options.

3 Ways To Donate Old Books & Other Household Goods Without Doing Any Work

Donate Old Books & Other Household Goods
1. Hire local teenagers.

Surely you know some teenagers or you have friends who have teenagers or you have teenagers in your neighborhood. Whatever the connection is, hire some teenagers to haul your donations away to a charity location.

Don't forget to take into account things like how much stuff they are hauling away for you and how far the donation center is from your house. Perhaps a little extra tip for gas money or lunch for sustenance is in order.

Donate Old Books & Other Household Goods
2. Give your donations to those you've already hired.

Do you have a cleaning lady? Or a handyman? Or a gardener? Or a babysitter? Ask them if they would like your donations or if they know of someone who would.

While this method is technically free, in the end it does cost something. You don't get a donation receipt for the tax write off and you are paying this person to be at your house for another service, so you might as well kill two birds with one stone in a way in which everybody wins.

Donate Old Books & Other Household Goods
3. Call a junk hauling company.

Look up local junk hauling companies, get some estimates and hire one. They take away donations, recyclables and trash and typically try to discard stuff in that order.

This is the most expensive option, but it's also the best option if you have a lot of stuff to get rid of that may not necessarily all be donation-worthy AND you don't feel like sorting it all out. It's also the best method if you've got furniture and other things that require heavy lifting.

There you have it: 3 methods for getting rid of discards without lifting a finger, and those are the paid options. I also put together a blog post detailing 4 ways to get rid of discards FOR FREE without leaving your home.

Remember, it's the shuffling around of stuff that I referenced at the beginning of this blog post that can keep our homes full of clutter. If this procrastination method resonates with you, then check out The Procrastinator's Guide To Getting Organized.

[TWEETABLE] 3 Ways To Donate Stuff Without Picking Anything Up Or Hauling It Away via @life_on_track

Shuffling stuff around, rather than getting the donations out of the house, is one of the ways in which we procrastinate and then getting organized never happens.

There is a specific formula that will not only reverse this detrimental thought process but will stop the disorganization cycle altogether. With this specific formula, you will be able to beat every barrier your mind puts between you and a clutter-free life.

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