Storage For Kids Art Using Portfolios, Frames & Digital Solutions

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Want some fantastic suggestions for storage for kids artwork? Then you've come to the right place!

organize kids artwork

Kids come home from school with a lot of paper and part of that is oddly-sized and weirdly-shaped masterpieces. What to do with all of these awesome creations from your little Picasso?

Below you'll find the organizing process for getting your child's art in order and recommendations for useful storage products. Enjoy!

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Storage For Child Artwork:
The Organizing Process

Utilize the general organizing procedure of purge, sort and store, and apply it when you're organizing kids rooms and kids artwork.


  • Go through your child's masterpieces one by one and only keep your favorites. It's best to do this purging session at the end of each school year.

  • If one of your favorites is in bad shape (i.e. ripped), take a picture of it and then discard it.

  • As you make decisions, put the item in the corresponding pile, bag or box - Keep (store or display), Give (to relatives, as teacher Christmas gifts, etc.), Recycle or Trash.

  • Take out the discards for a clean work area. This avoids any undoing of your hard work.


  • Sort your child's artwork and categorize it by year.

**Write the date on the back of each piece of your kid's artwork as it comes into your home. This is good for memory sake AND for keeping things organized.**


  • Put the categorized items away accordingly. Use clear bins or large art portfolios (like the ones below). Label them with your child's name and the date of the contents inside (i.e. Emily's Art, K-5th Grade).

  • Also check out the products suggested below!


  • At the end of each school year, go through and purge your kids artwork only keeping the best pieces.

organize kids artwork

After Kindergarten, this was the huge pile of school and art work that my son had brought home over the course of the year. I went through it and kept the best stuff (which was a much smaller pile). Some things were gifted to grandparents and the rest was recycled.

Storage For Kids Artwork:
The Organizing Products

There are tons of great products to organize childrens drawings and other works of art. Check out the ones featured below!

Sterilite Bins
These clear bins are great for school and art work. Throw it in the bin as it comes into the house for an easy way to keep it all organized.

My Art Place Portfolio
This portfolio is bright, portable and holds art that is up to 12"x18".

Itoya Portfolios
The Itoya art portfolios are among my favorites. They come in all different sizes and are made well.

Kids Art Frame
Want to display the masterpieces? Check out these cool frames that open from the front and making switching art very easy!

Storage For Kids Artwork:
Digital Solutions

Don't want to store the artwork? We've got solutions for that too!

1. Take photos of the artwork and turn it into a book. Do-it-yourself websites like Shutterfly are perfect for this.

2. Take photos of the masterpieces. Then laminate and blow them up, if necessary, to be used as place mats. For extra fun, take the pictures in Instagram to add creative borders and/or filters!

3. Take photos of your kid's art and turn them into anything you can print on or order online (i.e. calendars, mugs, mouse pads, t-shirts). Check out ArtKive for this!

4. Make a movie! Line up your child's artwork on the floor or against the wall so that all the pieces are easy to see. Use a video camera to visually record each one (in a single take if possible). You can optionally add some music in the background and voila!

5. Have your child's artwork handled professionally by one of the following companies:

The Little Author
Petite Picasso

What Do You Do With All Of Your Kid's Art Masterpieces?

There are so many things one can do with the enormous amount of artwork a child can produce. We'd love to hear what you do; share it here!

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