Quick Cleaning Tips & Cleaning Checklists

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Check out these awesome quick cleaning tips and cleaning checklists! Cleaning the house is a chore no one wants to do, but it's MUCH easier if you're organized.

Cleaning and organizing go hand in hand...

  • Scrubbing, wiping and polishing are much easier when you can not only find the necessary cleaning products but also have them handy.
  • It is also much simpler to sweep and mop a floor free of piles, just as dusting surfaces goes more smoothly when they are clear of clutter.
  • Being organized means less effort and in turn more motivation when it comes to tasks like cleaning (which leads to better hygiene and health).

Utilize the following quick house cleaning tips to start your journey towards a tidier lifestyle!

Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!

Quick Cleaning Tips For The Bathroom

  • Store a paper towel roll and all-purpose cleaning solution under the sink in each bathroom. When you use the facilities and spot a smudged mirror or a dirty counter top, you can easily grab what you need and clean it up.
  • Also, instead of buying several bottles of cleaning solution, utilize Small Spray Bottles and refill when necessary.
  • Keep a Dust Buster in the bathroom for an easy and quick floor cleaning. Ever notice how quickly the hair on the bathroom floor multiplies?! Having a dust buster handy will take care of it in a snap.
  • For a no-nonsense ULTIMATE HOUSE CLEANING GUIDE, click here!

Speed Cleaning Tips: Cleaning Routines

Quick House Cleaning Tips: Use What You Have

A large part of being organized is reusing common items rather than going out and purchasing more stuff.

  • For example, do you know how many different uses there are for vinegar?? How about at least 100!!! Vinegar cleaning works on computer mouses, window blinds, drains, mildew, silver and tons of other things. Check these vinegar uses out here!
  • Want to make your own homemade cleaner? Here are tons recipes for homemade cleaning products!

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