Pinterest Ideas: Using Pinterest To Organize Your Wardrobe

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Whether you’re a flourishing fashionista or are simply looking to update an outdated style, having an organized wardrobe—and knowing everything that’s in it—is the first step to putting together knockout looks. (Remember Cher from Clueless and her closet database?). But how can you pull this feat off without being the child of a Beverly Hills millionaire?

Luckily, these Pinterest ideas are here to save the day for all of us living outside the 90210 lifestyle. Between creating inspiration boards and literally categorizing everything you own, you’ll soon realize you have more to work with than you thought.

Pinterest Ideas: Organizing Your Wardrobe

Below are five Pinterest ideas that can help you become the total style icon you were destined to be.

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5 Pinterest Ideas For Organizing Your Wardrobe

1. Create a mood board.

Pinning can help get the creative juices flowing, whether that means searching for edgy pieces to add to your already-trendy wardrobe or for new ways to update staple items in your closet. Mood boards are meant to inspire, so pin individual items, outfits and accessories from your favorite fashion icons, as well as pieces you already own to see new ways to use them.

To ignite more creativity and stretch beyond your sartorial comfort zone, search for fashions that fit different moods by using certain words such as “romantic,” “laid back” or “quirky.” This helps broaden your search, so you may find things you may not have otherwise.

2. Upload pictures of your own pieces.

To get the most out of the pieces in your closet—and so you don’t forget about those gladiator wedges certain to make (another) comeback at summertime—take pictures of each item in your wardrobe and upload them to your own Pinterest board.

If you find yourself putting together full outfits as you’re rummaging through the closet, take pictures of the head-to-toe looks, including jewelry and other accessories, so whipping up the outfit again will be a breeze.

Don’t want other people to see your mini fashion shoot? Make these boards private, so they’ll be for your eyes only.

3. Keep boards specific.

Whether you’re pinning to a mood board or a private board, be sure to keep both board titles and pins specific. For example, have one mood board for winter wardrobes and another for summer styles. If you like a piece for both seasons, simply pin on both (and ignore the warning message about double pinning).

For private boards, consider breaking them up into work-appropriate outfits, weekend outfits and looks for nights out on the town.

4. Find storage inspiration.

While keeping track of your wardrobe on a digital platform is a great organizational tool, keeping your real-world closet clutter-free is just as important. After all, being able to find your pieces on your Pinterest board will only go so far if you can’t find it in your closet!

To ensure you’re maximizing space while keeping everything neat and tidy, pin closet storage tips such as which hangers to use for what, how to store pocketbooks, and how to utilize every nook and cranny—without making your closet look like it could be on an episode of Hoarders.

If you simply have too much for your closet to hold, consider renting a storage closet at a local self-storage facility.

5. Mix it up.

Once you’ve gone through everything in your closet, the fun begins. Give your pins a good overview to see what combinations you’ve been missing. Compare what you own with what you pinned on your inspiration boards. Now’s the time you’ll notice that you don’t own a versatile white button-down or that skirt you just don’t know how to style would look great with a top you found on the sale rack.

With a bit of determination and some ruthless decision-making, you too, can achieve wardrobe nirvana with these Pinterest ideas. With a bit of creativity (and with the help of a friend with a critical eye), you might find a brand-new wardrobe from the clothing you already own. Have any tips when it comes to using Pinterest to streamline your closet? We’d like to hear them!

For any off-season items or excess clothing you need to keep—just not in your home—consider renting a storage unit from Secure Self Storage. Our storage experts can help you determine which unit size is best for you in one of our climate-controlled facilities featuring convenient access and 24/7 security.

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