Pet Organizer Ideas
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Pets have a lot of stuff these days. Here are tips on organizing toys, pet organizer product suggestions and more!
Like with everything else, there are so many good reasons to organize pet supplies. Like what, you ask?
How nice would it be to locate your pet's medical records in 2 minutes or less?
Or how about knowing where all the toys are, so you don't buy the same thing twice?
Or having your pet's travel items organized, so being on the go isn't a huge hassle?
Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!
Pets are pampered more than ever and have more stuff because of it -
clothing, shoes, hats, costumes and the list goes on! Having your pet's
items in order is important, convenient and easy to do!
Below you'll find the pet organizer process for organizing toys and all the other stuff that comes with having a pet. Happy Organizing!
The Pet Organizer Process
Utilize the general organizing procedure of purge, sort and store, and use it to organize pet supplies.
- Start by gathering all of your pet supplies - toys, clothes,
treats, leashes, etc. Go through each piece one by one and decide if it
is worth keeping.
- In order to accomplish this, ask yourself appropriate questions
(When was the last time I put my pet in this piece of clothing? Have
these treats gone bad? Does this collar still fit?).
- As you make decisions, put the item in the corresponding
pile, bag or box - Keep, Donate, Distribute, Trash. **Don't forget to record
your donations for tax purposes.**
- Take out the trash, and put the donations
in your car. If you are giving items to friends or family members, put
them in a labeled bag by the door to ensure you distribute them. This
ensures you won't undo all the hard work you did to organize pet
- Now that you can see what and how much you have, separate your
pet's items into categories (i.e. clothing, toys, dog walking supplies, travel gear
- With your pet items sorted, you can see how much you have of
each category. Use pet organizer products accordingly. See below for
specific suggestions.
This is our beloved Tater Tot with her basket of toys.
The basket is from The Container Store.
Use a shallow open basket or bin (preferably something that won't be
affected if your pet scratches it or chews on it) to store toys on the
floor. This way your pet can easily pull out the desired item, and clean
up time consists of nothing more than throwing the toys back in.
Here is Brisket (we love food names!) sleeping with her bin of toys.
The bin is from Michael's.
- Utilize open baskets or bins for pet supply storage. We use a large bin and inside are small canvas bins to organize the pet supplies by category - clothing, grooming tools, etc.
- You could also use plastic drawers to organize pet supplies. Remember to
put like with like, so one drawer could be for all the grooming
equipment, another for the clothing, and so on. A clear plastic drawer
set with wheels would make it easy to find your items and great for
storing in a closet out of sight.
- Use a binder to organize all of the paper work related to your
pet. I have found that the binder pockets with tabs are great for this.
Label each pocket tab (i.e. "Vet", "Insurance", "Care"), insert them
into the binder, file your pet's papers accordingly and voila! Now you
can take the binder to the vet and have all of your pet's information at
your finger tips.
- Your pet will continually leave toys all over the floor.
There's no way around that. I just pick up the toys off the floor and
throw them into the open bin on a regular basis.
- A few times a year, go through your pet supplies and pitch or give away any unnecessary items.
The Pet Organizer Products

Pet Toy Storage Container
This pet organizer toy storage bin is so fun! It has a lid and can also be used to store food.

Over-Door Pet Organizer
We love this over-the-door organizer for storing pet supplies. It features different-sized pockets and hooks for leashes, collars etc. Check it out!

Pet Travel Bag
Loaded with pockets and compartments, this travel bag is great for holding all your pet's gear!

Pet Records Organizer
Keep all of your pet's papers organized and together in this stylish binder. Going to the vet? To the sitter's?? Grab the binder and go!
Pet Food Storage Bins
Looking for a good cat or dog food storage container? These are some highly-rated products. Take a look!
Tags For Dogs & Cats
Don't forget to label your pets! Here are some great ID tags for dogs and cats. I suggest getting a tag engraved with your pet's name and your phone number.
More Golden Nuggets
How To Raise A Puppy
This is a lot harder than it sounds. Puppies require constant care and
supervision. They must be loved, played with, taught, and disciplined.
Pets require time and money! Are you ready for that? Read about some of the important variables related to getting a puppy.
Check out this awesome book club for dog owners!
The Creator Of Dog Food Secrets -- This Book Club Is An Outrageous
Value For Dog Owners. Each Month You'll Receive A Complete Course On A
Different Dog Topic.
Repurpose A Shoe Organizer To Organize Pet Supplies!
You know the shoe organizers with the pockets and they hang on the back
of the door? That's what we are talking about. The pockets are great for
holding all those little pet items!
The Puppy Gear Checklist
Bringing home a puppy? Make sure you are knowledgeable, ready and equipped with all the necessary gear.
-towels/blankets (that can get dirty)
-puppy pee pads
-a tray for the pee pads
-puppy gate
-dog bed
-dog bowls
-teething toys
-puppy food
-small treats
-bags for picking up poo
-brush for grooming
-dog toothbrush and toothpaste
-nail file/clippers
-shampoo & conditioner
-flea shampoo
-coat (if it's cold outside)
-binder or file to put puppy-related papers
-pet insurance (I highly recommend it - Tell them Nealey Stapleton sent you)!!!
Don't know what some of this stuff is? Go online or to a pet store and check out their dog section.
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