Organizing A Pantry - Pantry Organization For Even The Smallest Spaces

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Organizing a pantry is great for several reasons, so let's do some pantry organization.

First, it ensures you can find your food and other items. This means you can locate and use what you have in turn saving time and money! Consequently, it also means that you will have an easier time cooking, keeping a diet and so on.

How wonderful!

Below you'll find the organizational process to get your pantry under control as well as a system for maintaining it and kitchen pantry organizer product suggestions. Enjoy!

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Organizing A Pantry: The Organizing Process

Utilize the general organizing procedure of purge, sort and store, and apply it when organizing a pantry.


• Start by going through your pantry one item at a time. Get rid of any items that are expired or no longer usable.

• As you make decisions, put the item in the corresponding pile, bag or box - Keep or Trash.

• Take out the trash when you're done with the purging session. This hinders the possibility of undoing your hard pantry organizing work.


• You have pared down, and now you can focus on what's left. Sort the remaining items into categories that make sense to you (i.e. canned goods, pasta and rice, sweets, chips and snacks, and so on).

organizing a pantry

As you can see, even the smallest pantry closet design can be organized! I use aluminum stacking bins for small snacks and a double turntable for canned goods.


• Put your sorted pantry items back into the pantry by assigning each shelf a category (i.e. top shelf is canned goods, bottom shelf is unopened drinks, etc.).

• Take into consideration those in your household. For example, you may want to put your child's snacks on a shelf that can be reached or your dog's treats on a shelf that can't.

• Utilize pantry organization products to maximize your space like a double turntable or stacking bins. See the kitchen cabinet storage solutions suggested below!


• Get into the habit of putting things back as soon as you're done and make sure they are completely sealed.

• A few times a year go through the pantry; dispose of expired items and make sure the packaging of edible items are closed properly.

Kitchen Storage Ideas: Kitchen Pantry Organizers

Products for organizing a pantry are awesome and add convenience to your everyday routines!

TellFresh Containers

These kitchen storage organizers are airtight containers and excellent for food storage. They are safe for the freezer, refrigerator, dishwasher and microwave!

Gravity Feed Can Rack
Great use of the pantry's vertical space and shelf depth, this can organizer has three tiers and dividers to separate cans by likeness. Remove one and the can behind it automatically come to the front. What a kitchen organization dream!

Double Stainless Steel Turntable

Versatile, convenient, and rustproof, this product is a kitchen organizing essential and can be utilized anywhere. Get creative! For instance, use it to efficiently store pantry items such as cans and jars or employ it as a spice organizer. Eliminate the need to stack!

Silver Mesh Stacking Bins - a Favorite for Organizing a Pantry!
These handy stacking storage bins are designed for easy reach in and great for pantries! Use them to store small bags of chips, sugar packets, tea bags, and other oddly shaped pantry items that end up scattered on the shelves.

Clear Handled Storage Baskets

An awesome product, these plastic storage baskets have handles for easy access. Use them in your fridge, in your pantry, in your cupboards, anywhere!

Packet Organizer
Dressing packets, sugar packets, seasoning packets! Use this awesome organizer to tame the packet tiger in your pantry.

Stainless Steel Turntable

I use this single stainless steel turntable to hold the tall vinegars, oils and sauces that I use on a regular basis. It makes it so easy to grab what I need and cook!

Kitchen Wrap Organizer
Do you store your kitchen wrap in the pantry? Check out these kitchen wrap organizers!

Want to see even more awesome pantry organizers? Here you go!

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