Makeup Drawer Organizer Ideas

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Looking for makeup drawer organizer ideas? Then you've come to the right place!

How To Organize Makeup In Bathroom Drawers

I've seen it. The dreaded bathroom makeup drawer.

It's time to roll out of bed, go to the bathroom and start getting ready. You open the drawer and find a chaotic jumble of makeup and bathroom items. Then it begins...

You dig around trying to find what you need, making noise, seeing things that need to be thrown away (but no time now, keep going!), duplicate items pass your hands (if only you had known they were there before you purchased them AGAIN), thoughts whirling in your head about how you need to get this under control (but after you leave the bathroom, the one hundred million other things requiring your attention get priority and the same cycle occurs every day), you only need a few select items, how can it be this hard to locate them, ahhhh!

I have organized my fair share of makeup drawers for clients as well as myself. It's a wonderful feeling to open your bathroom drawer and be able to easily find your makeup every morning. Happiness and efficiency all in one, what a way to start your day!

Below you'll see makeup drawer organizer ideas for my own shallow makeup drawer in addition to a client's deep, skinny drawer. Enjoy!

Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!

Makeup Drawer Organizer Ideas

This (below) is my top bathroom drawer. I use it to hold my everyday items like makeup, deodorant, face moisturizer and so on. I employed clear plastic drawers organizers (from Bed, Bath and Beyond, but you can also find similar ones from other places like Target, Amazon, etc.) to divide up the space and keep my items sorted.

As you can see, my categories are (from left to right): mascaras/eyeliners, lip stuff, shadows/blushes, moisturizers, makeup tools and misc. everyday items like deodorant. It's easy to keep it neat as well as find things AND put them away in a snap. Beautiful!

Here (below) is a client's makeup drawer. Her drawers are much skinnier and deeper, so we used clear stacking trays to get organized. By doing so, we avoid losing these small items in the dark depths of the drawer (which easily and typically happens when it's full and not divided up somehow).

She purchased the stacking trays from The Container Store. On the bottom, we put the makeup she doesn't use as much. We used the top tray for the everyday stuff, so she has easy access. The skinny space on the side was employed for larger, skinnier makeup items. Lovely!

Whether your drawers are shallow and wide or deep and skinny, there are a variety of solutions for keeping your makeup neat and easy to access. Happy organizing!

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