Less Clutter More Life: A Life's Teachings

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Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book in exchange for writing a review on the blog. All opinions are my own.

"Less Clutter More Life" by Barbara Hemphill is a must read for those looking to declutter their homes, their minds and their souls.

Less Clutter More Life by Barbara Hemphill

One of the things worth noting was I felt very calm and at peace as I was reading through it. Not only is Barbara's advice gentle yet powerful, the design of the book is elegant yet simple.

If you want to read a book that inspires organization WITHOUT getting overwhelmed, then I highly recommend you check this one out.

Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!

My Favorite Passages From
Less Clutter More Life by Barbara Hemphill

Letting go inspires hope.

"Letting go inspires hope.

We often have emotional and spiritual attachments to our belongings.

If the item, or the thought when you look at the item, causes negative emotions, pause and breathe, consider your thoughts, and ask yourself what does this really mean to you? What do you notice?

Sometimes we are surprised by what arises when we ask.

Do you feel responsible or guilty? Was it given to you by someone you loved? Did it cost a lot of money? Did it take a long time to make?

Letting go of clutter increases simplicity."

Clutter is postponed decisions.

"Clutter is postponed decisions.

Most of what we keep we never use, and ironically, the more we keep, the less we use.

Most lives are full of postponed decisions...

Your closet may contain many examples.

What is in yours?

Is it expensive clothing you've never worn?

Perhaps the papers on the kitchen counter are a good example. Do you often pick up one, pause, consider, and then put it back down?

Or how about the email in your inbox? Do you open them, close them, open them, and then close them again?"

Any progress will move you forward...

"Any progress will move you forward...

Let go of thinking of everything that has to be done - simply take the next step.

Instead of asking "What should I do?" ask yourself, "What am I able to do?"

Begin with a simple change.

Erica decided she would give up her daily stop at the coffee shop, and instead make coffee at home. With the money she saved, she hired a service to organize her expense receipts.

Be gentle.

Pace yourself."

Want to know more? You can get Less Clutter More Life on Amazon and read more reviews here.

[TWEETABLE] A must read for those looking to declutter their homes, their minds & their souls http://ctt.ec/7olMI+ via @barbhemphill @life_on_track

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book in exchange for writing a review on the blog. All opinions are my own.

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