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This is a guest post by Ellen Delap.
procrastination getting the better of you? Do you put off tasks for
later? Do you feel paralyzed?
No matter how much self discipline you
have, procrastination can be a
problem. Here are 4 common causes of procrastination and how to bust through it.
more difficult we perceive a task to be, the more we procrastinate. We
want to do what’s easy and fast to knock it off our list. The
difficulty can be not enough information
about the task, a technical challenge or something we have never been
good at doing.
The more time we perceive a task to take, the more we procrastinate. It’s a matter of how tedious and lengthy the task is. It can also be about how much time we think we need to do a good job on the task.
The more perfectly we want to do a task, the less we want to start it. It’s an unrealistic expectation of the outcome that prevents us from getting started.
Fear is of the most understated reasons for procrastination and probably the most common. We don’t want to appear unskilled, vulnerable or (gasp!) stupid in front of others.
While procrastination makes you feel inefficient and helpless, taking charge and moving forward will make you feel strong, competent, and capable. Take just one of these tips and get into action.
For over 15 years, Certified Professional Organizer and Certified Family Manager Coach, Ellen Delap has helped her clients make time and space for what’s important to them by organizing their homes, offices and their daily living.
Ellen, owner of,
works one on one with her clients in their homes and offices
streamlining their environment, creating effective strategies for an
organized lifestyle and prioritizing organization in their daily
routine. She specializes in working with ADD and ADHD families,
adults and students.
Ellen has been featured on Stretch Your Dollar on ABC13 Houston,
in articles in the Houston Chronicle, a guest speaker on radio KLOVE,
and is a national expert on The Clutter Diet, an online organizing
She is a Golden Circle member of the National Association of Professional Organizers and a specialist in chronic disorganization and ADHD with the Institute of Challenging Disorganization.
Learn more about her and her business at, Twitter @TexasOrganizer, Facebook business page EllenDelapProfessionalOrganizer and Pinterest Ellen Delap.
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