Home Storage Bins: Gloves & Hat Organizer

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Looking for a simple way to organize hats and gloves? Here's how to use home storage bins to easily organize your winter gear!

organize hat and gloves in home storage bins

I personally use a canvas storage bin to hold my hats and gloves and would recommend it. Employing an open basket like this means I can very easily keep my winter gear contained as well as quickly toss the items back in to put them away.

Below you'll find the organizing process for taming the winter gear chaos as well as photos of the best way to use open bins to store hats and gloves. Happy organizing!

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The Process: Organizing Hats & Gloves

Before you use the home storage bins to store your hats and gloves, utilize the general organizing procedure of purge, sort and store.


  • Start by gathering all of your winter hats and gloves.

  • Pick up ONE at a time and decide if it is worth keeping. In order to accomplish this, ask yourself appropriate questions (Is it ripped, faded or stained? When was the last time I wore it? Is it still in style? Does it still fit?).

  • As you make decisions, put the item in the corresponding pile, bag or box - Keep, Distribute, Donate, Trash.

  • Take out the trash and put the donations in the car (for a quick drop off the next time you pass the donation center) when you're done with the purging session. This avoids the possibility of undoing your hard glove and hat organizer work.

  • If you come across any items that are in good condition but don't fit, consider distributing them to a smaller and/or younger family member before giving them away.


  • You have pared down, and now you can focus on what's left. Sort the remaining hats and gloves into categories that make sense to you (i.e. hats, gloves, ear gear, sleeves).


  • Neatly put your sorted winter gear away in a drawer, in a canvas storage bin like I do or what have you.

  • Below are photos of how I store my hats and gloves in open canvas storage bins that are so easy to access.


  • The easiest way to maintain your glove and hat organizer success is to put items back in their appropriate places after each use.

  • One of my best closet organizing ideas is to keep a donation bag in or near the closet. The next time you come across something that you deem unwearable (i.e. faded, ripped, stained, too small, too big), toss it in the donation bag immediately. This way it no longer takes up valuable closet space, and you can avoid long organizing sessions by doing such quick regular purges.

How To Use Home Storage Bins
To Organize Your Hats & Gloves

First, let me point out that this is my winter gear storage solution for a few reasons...

  1. Hats and gloves can become unruly very quickly, but using a home storage bin at least keeps the jumble together and contained.
  2. Putting items away after each use is nothing more than tossing them in the bin. Such a simple strategy for putting stuff away ensures that the stuff actually gets put away.
  3. Rearranging my closet for seasonal changes means nothing more than moving some bins around and takes maybe a minute.
  4. Lastly, as an extra bonus, unpacking my closet after a move is as simple as taking the bin out of the box and putting it on the shelf.

So without further ado...this is the home storage bin I use to hold my hats and gloves. This particular solution is a beige canvas bin from The Container Store (but there are similar ones from places like Amazon or Bed, Bath and Beyond).

organize hats and gloves in home storage bins

As with everyone, life happens and things get messy (even for professional organizers like me!). I decided to give my storage solution a tweak and try to improve upon it.

The issue I had was with the time it took to dig through the bin to find what I wanted. It took too long and was a waste of valuable getting-ready minutes.

organize hats and gloves in home storage bins

Step 1: Dump out the bin.

organize hats and gloves in home storage bins

Step 2: Sort everything into categories, so I can see what and how much I have. Below you can see piles of beanie hats, "other" hats, ear/head gear, and the gloves and sleeves laid out individually.

organize hats and gloves in home storage bins

Step 3: Put the items back into the bin neatly.

For the hats, I decided to employ the same filing strategy I used for my cardigans. For the gloves, I put them in one orderly pile on the left side. The most used gloves are on the top and the least utilized are on the bottom.

organize hats and gloves in home storage bins

Step 4: Jump for joy! It's so easy to see and get what I need now. Yippee!

Now Let's See The Before & After Together - Wow!


organize hats and gloves in home storage bins


organize hats and gloves in home storage bins

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