Garage Organizing Systems - The Straightforward Process For Conquering Garage Clutter & Actually Parking Your Car Inside

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Want a tidy garage? Explore these awesome garage organizing systems and garage organization ideas!

The variety of contents occupying this multipurpose space makes organizing a garage an integral part of an organized home - sports equipment, holiday decorations, luggage, gardening tools, paint and painting items, chemicals, lawn equipment, tools, paper goods, hardware, overflow home supplies and so on.

garage organizing systems

For instance, wouldn't you like to be able to locate the tools necessary to fix something or the baseball your son wants to play catch with?

Wouldn't you love to be able to pull the car into the garage with no problem? Or maybe even both cars?!

The enormity and openness of the garage makes it very tempting to use it as a dumping ground and therefore very easy to fill with clutter in a short amount of time. This makes achieving garage organization look like a very daunting task. No matter, IT IS MORE THAN POSSIBLE.

With patience, endurance and the following garage organization ideas, you will be on your way in no time.

Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!

Garage Organizing Systems
The Organizing Process

Utilize the general organizing procedure of purge, sort and store, and apply it when organizing a garage.


• Start in one corner of the garage and work your way around. Pick up each item and decide if it is worth keeping. In order to accomplish this, ask yourself appropriate questions (Is it still usable? How often do I use it? Do I have more than one of this same item?).

• As you make decisions, put the item in the corresponding pile, bag or box - Keep, Donate, Trash, Hazardous Materials. **Don't forget to record your donations for tax purposes.**

• Take out the trash, and put the donations in your car. This hinders the possibility of undoing your hard garage organizing work.

• Dispose of the hazardous materials properly. Click here for some general guidelines. Each county has hazardous waste drop off sites. Search your county's website for information on household hazardous waste.


• You have pared down, and now you can focus on what's left. Sort the remaining items by category (i.e. gardening, sports equipment, tools and so on).

**Due to the volume of clutter usually occupying garages, you might want to cut down on organizing time by combining the Purge and Sort steps into one seamless process. Thus when you decide to keep an item, take it one step further and group it with other like items.**


• Now you can see what and how much you have. Purchase necessary organizing products like garage racks and store things accordingly. For instance, utilize a wall rack to store shovels, rakes and other items with long handles or a rolling sorter bin to hold balls and other bulky sports equipment.


• Get into the habit of putting things in their proper places when you're done using them. Get the whole family involved by passing this notion on to them as well.

• Clean out the garage thoroughly a few times a year (beginning of Spring and end of Fall) to get rid of unnecessary things and to relocate rogue items to their proper containers, bins, shelves, and so on.

Garage Organizing Systems
Garage Storage Products

Garage organization products are essential to keeping order in this multifunctional space. Check out the suggested items below.

Wall Mounted Ball Claws
These are so cool! They do just what their title suggests - claws mounted on the wall to hold balls. Check it out!

Workforce 5-Shelf Organizer
This heavy duty plastic shelving doesn't require tools and is very easy to assemble. It is a free-standing system that can hold up to 100 pounds on each shelf proving its durability and strength. This product is not only accessible at your local Home Depot (or on their website for a painless delivery) but is also one of the most affordable garage shelving ideas!

elfa Garage Organizing Systems
This easy to install system is any garage's dream! Mount it to your garage walls to utilize maximum vertical space. It's adjustable, durable, and convenient. Measure your garage's walls, take the measurements to The Container Store, and let them take over!

Heavy Lift Storage Hoist

Garage ceiling storage is great, because it keeps rarely used items out of the way...but what about the hassle of getting things down when you need them? This amazing product is the solution by allowing you to store your items out of the way and effortlessly retrieve them without a ladder!

Store n' Slide Wall Organizer
More than convenient wall organizers! This wall mounted product has a sliding feature to fit in narrow spaces such as between appliances and the wall. Slide it out and easily access your handled items such as brooms, mops and dusters.

Heavy-Duty Triple Storage Bin

Sort, separate, and roll! This heavy duty storage product is great for sports equipment, pool toys, and much more. It features a steel frame and wheels for easy mobility.

Wall-Mounted Tire Rack

This durable rack is easy to install and adjustable. It offers a great solutions for storing tires of various sizes and holds up to 400 pounds!

Stack-On Organizers
Stack-On has tons of fabulous garage organizing systems and products like storage cases for tools and more. Check it out!

Want high quality garage organizing systems? GarageTek has it ALL, and you can choose to do it yourself or hire them to take care of everything for you.

Stackable Recycling Bins
With stackable recycling bins, you can take advantage of vertical space and keep your recycling sorted. Check out these top-rated recycling centers on Amazon.

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