DIY Home Decor Crafts - Desk Drawer Organizer Makeover

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This is my first DIY home decor crafts project! IHeartOrganizing has a link party every month, and I decided to challenge myself to participate in April's - DIY organizing product.

While I love using old things in new ways and saving money rather than purchasing something, I was never much of a crafter that could make things from scratch. That being said, I've decided to jump in and my first dip into the DIY crafting pool was to makeover one of my existing organizing products rather than buying a new one.

I gave my office drawers a new, refreshed look using Washi tape. It was really easy and fun and was a great first DIY arts and crafts project. See the transformation photos below and enjoy!

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DIY Home Decor Crafts: How I Gave My Office Drawers A Makeover Using Washi Tape

These are my white IKEA Kassett desktop drawers that I've had for years. I store my office supplies in them like paper clips, stapler, binder clips, tacks, tape, white out, stamps, sticky notes and so on. They've been fantastic, but their age is showing and it's time for a makeover.

DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

They are white so while they do have a clean look, they've gotten a little banged up over the years.

DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

White shows everything, so below you can see a pen mark that I couldn't get off without ruining the cardboard material.

DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

And then there was the time I spilled my coffee all over my office. I don't even know how it happened, but it looked like a toddler came in and sprayed chocolate milk out of a squirt gun at everything in sight.

In the below photo, you can see remnants of this catastrophic event.

DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

Alright, so I've established that these organizing drawers needed a new look. I took out the drawers, so that it was just the empty shell.

DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

I started by wrapping the shell with one long piece of the blue chevron Washi crafting tape (made by Recollections) that I had purchased from Michaels for $4.99. You can easily find similar Washi tape options on Amazon using the link above.

DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

Okay, looking good! I continued one long piece of tape at a time and lined up the pattern as I went...

DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

...until the entire outer shell was wrapped in a cool pattern. So pretty!

DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

Then I carefully matched the pattern and covered the front edges.

DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

Next, on to the drawers. I thought it would be funky if the pattern on the tape on the drawers themselves went in a different direction. As you can see, I taped the drawers vertically rather than horizontally.

DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

One drawer down, one to go!

DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

This is what the office drawers looked like when I was done taping. It looked fabulous but something wasn't quite there...the labels. They were also a bit weathered and showed remnants of the catastrophic coffee event, so I freshened them up too.

DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

I simply opened up a blank MS Word document, typed the words I wanted on the labels, adjusted the size, made the letters red and printed them out on regular paper. Then I cut them out and put them in the label holders. Voila!

DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

Here's a close up. Oooh! I love it!

DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

This is what they look like from the front.

DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

Finally, let's do a little before and after comparison of this DIY home decor crafts project.


DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape


DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

What a difference a little tape can make! And it was so easy, so inexpensive and so fun. Hail to the DIY home decor crafts!

Now that my work area has had a face lift, productivity and inspiration have also increased. Win win win.

DIY Home Decor Crafts - Office Drawers Makeover Using Washi Tape

I have a feeling this is just the beginning of my DIY crafts projects now that I've had a little taste of this world. Rock on. Until the next DIY adventure, I leave you with some easy ways to save money. Cheers!

UPDATE: It has been years since I did this DIY project and I thought it was a good idea to give an update. The drawers have survived pretty well, even with a move. Looking at them now, the tape has remained in place and doesn't seem to be peeling anywhere. That's a plus! Also, wiping/dusting the drawers off has been pretty easy with the Washi tape on them. Another plus! The only drawback I see at this point is the white color of the tape has yellowed, so it looks like it's time to replace the drawers. On the other hand, if I don't want to spend the money, I could cover them with another round of Washi tape.

What do you think?! Should I buy new drawers or do another DIY project? Have you done any cool DIY home decor crafts? I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment below!

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