How To Declutter Your Home:
Things We Can Live Without

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Declutter your home and declutter your life! Here's a growing list of things we can live without. Let's do some clutter control!

The following is a running list of items to declutter from your life. Check back often or subscribe to our blog for updates on this declutter list!

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How To Declutter Your Home:
Things We Can Live Without

1. Cookbooks - Keep a few essential books if necessary and utilize online recipe websites.

2. Travel Guide Books - This information goes out of date so quickly, just use the internet.

3. Bookmarks - Any piece of paper will do.

4. Wedding Dress - Your daughter is probably not going to wear it. Have a tailor turn it into another dress or sell it.

5. DVDs - With On Demand and streaming services, who needs the actual DVDs?

6. Outfits For Your Dog - A coat for the winter will do.

7. Books You've Already Read (and won't read again) - Getting rid of books you don't need is a good way to declutter your home fast.

8. Past issues of magazines or catalogs

9. Email subscriptions - Do you read or even open all of the emails you get? Unsubscribe!

10. Maps - That's what GPS and/or cell phones are for.

11. Snow cone maker or ice cream maker or any specific kitchen appliance like that

12. Empty food containers like jelly jars or butter tubs

13. Shot glasses - Any drinking vessel will suffice for taking shots.

14. Keys that don't have locks and locks that don't have keys

15. Rogue socks, gloves, earrings, leg warmers or any other item that is missing its match

16. Food containers from getting take out - Keep a few if you are low on Tupperware...Otherwise, recycle!

17. Stale spices

18. Items that remind you of a negative person, situation or time in your life

19. Clothing that used to fit

20. Bulky memorabilia - Take a picture and discard.

21. Dessert after every meal

22. CDs - Go digital.

23. Mystery batteries, cords and chargers

24. Stereo system - Just hook your iPod/iPhone directly to your speakers (or better yet, use Bluetooth).

25. Phone book (I'm dating myself here. Raise your hand if you know what a phone book looks like!)

26. Dictionary and/or thesaurus (If you don't reference it often, then just use the internet.)

27. Expired medicine

28. Linens that are stained, ripped, faded, and/or missing their matches

29. Wire hangers

30. The collection of free tote bags with company logos on them

31. Friends, family members and/or colleagues that do not bring anything positive to your life

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